Oceania Scholars Program

Oceania Scholars

We are delighted to share that Critical Pacific Islands and Oceania Studies (CPIOS, housed in the  Race and Resistance Studies Department within the College of Ethnic Studies) and AA&PI Student Services (Division of Equity and Community Inclusion, Student Affairs and Enrollment Management) has successfully secured a one-time grant of $460,000 from the CSU's Chancellor's Office, to establish a Pacific Islander student support program called the Oceania Scholars Program. This program will center around the retention, graduation, and success of Pacific Islander students at SF State, including disaggregating data to better sere Pacific Islander communities.


The Oceania Scholars Program will be vital in addressing education equity for Pacific Islander students. It provides tailored support to help students overcome cultural and socioeconomic challenges and to enhance the inclusivity and visibility of Pacific Islander heritage on campus. The program also boosts academic outcomes through advising and access to culturally relevant resources whil promoting leadership skills and community engagement among students. This comprehensive support system not only aids Pacific Islander students in their academic journeys but also fosters a more equitable and diverse educational environment on campus.


Dr. Ponipate Rokolekutu, an Assistant Professor in RRS will serve as the Principal Investigator (PI) and Jeremy Khuth, Director of AA&PI Student Services will serve as Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI). 


The Oceania Scholar's Program will be looking for the following for Fall 2024:

1. Navigator Student Assistants